What can an astrological? chart tell you?

There are many types of astrological charts that can tell you about certain aspects of your life. our personality your soulmate/s relationships and so much more,

Believe it are not astrology has been used for over 100s of years. For instance, some farmer actually uses what’s call aluminic calendar. To guide them on when the sun or moon is going to be in position and the best time to plant and reap. What the weather is going to be like by stars and the position of the planets,

Using astrology is a good way to gain insight on your personality, your emotions and even get into the proper mate and what signs work well together.

Using verdict astrology we can do marriege charts as well as birth charts

Finding out what your sun signs or are what planet is moving which sign is causing shifts in your mental physical and spiritual.

functionality, as crazy as it can sound. Things like full moons blood moons retrograde and stars position. control your spiritual ability’s and for some it can cause. depression anxiety mood swings, an also can bring on emotional breakdowns.

By have your chart/s you can learn how to prevent some of these issues, Using a multitude of things like earth stones crystals sage, An even Psychic meditation or reiki therapy.

New age, Metaphysical Products that can change the energy or help lessen the extent of what is going around you.

Call today for more information or visit us on the we at http://www.chicagopsychicsreaders.com

as always love and light

Ericka Rose


What can you gain from a psychic astrologer or tarot reading?

Some People think that psychics or astrologers,

are just looking for income or entertainment.

However, in my career I’ve met so many people that have real problems,

sometimes it’s a career issue sometimes relationship issues.

Mostly it’s a lot of different things that can actually lead to depression.

no matter what type of issues there dealing everyone needs some kind of guidance

are even just confirmation that what the induvial is dealing with is real and let you know you’re not alone,

we all need to be able to see a light at the end of the tunnel,

A Psychic Astrologer or Tarot readers our here to give you information about the future clarity regarding the past and hope for the future,

First and foremost, I want to say that God is the number one answer to any and all problems Hes a problem solver,

However not everyone has the strength to wait or the Patiance specifically when it comes to times like these when it comes to long term relationships issues with major changes to career. Things that are vital to your future,

So, by having a Psychic reading are Tarot cards or your Palm read. Are an Astrologer read your birth chart, you can find some useful information? That might just give you that extra push or inspiration, that can give you the clarity, sometimes it’s just a better perspective. On life and can give you the visional picture of what stand before you what’s behind you an what’ your options you have to make the proper changes you need to get on to your god given path.

Ps Ericka Rose

Love and Light

Call an appointment



Specials starting this weekend $45 full life reading

One hour tell all session

Tells past present and future get an in-depth look at what’s ahead this year.

A full life reading includes full 21 card tarot card reading.

along with a full life palm reading and an analyst’s of your

chakra systems.

call today 630-553-8770 to set an appointment.

Get full life reading today an find out what your future holds.

We also have couples readings available

$100 for both tarot and palm

Hello all, it’s been a while since I posted however, I am here to introduce you to My daughter and my new website

So here it is guy’s http://www.chicagopsychicstarotreader.com

Me and my daughter Minka Rose we have been working together some of you know my daughter she has been studied and getting her degree in psychology and just finished her study in life couching,

She has been working on our new website and of course with the pandemic we had a few setbacks

But we are up and running most of my social media accounts are up but not connected yet to the new server

So, if everyone can do me a Hugh favor and follow Minka on social media an take a look at are site and follow us on our blog

We have tons of new informational tips about psychic readings and tarot card spreads as well as new item an metaphysical healing tips and tools

So Keep an eye out, Be sure to follow us.

love and light as always

Ps Ericka Rose

All gods blessings upon you all

will be posting more very soon